extravaganza for Princess Victoria's visit to Chester
Wednesday October 17,1832
CHESTER staged a Royal extravaganza yesterday to mark the opening
of the spectacular Grosvenor Bridge by Her Royal Highness, Princess
Thousands turned out to see the Heiress to the Throne perform the
ceremony which marks completion of the largest single-span stone
arch in the world. Accompanied by her mother, the Duchess of Kent,
the Princess arrived at the bridge to a 21-gun salute from Chester
Castle. The Royal party was welcomed by the Mayor of Chester who
called on the young Princess to formally name the bridge.
In a firm voice she said: 'I seize the occasion of our being the
first persons to pass over this magnificent bridge to lend myself
to the feeling that prevails and to name it Grosvenor Bridge."
The Royal party had arrived by state coach, driven by the chief
coachman of Eaton Hall, Mr Robert Roberts. With the Princess and
Duchess was the Marquis and Marchioness of Westminster.
Lord Robert Grosvenor led the Royal procession on horseback, followed
by carriages containing Mr Wilbraham MP and Lady Anne Wilbraham,
Lord Ragot and family, Sir Jobn Conroy, the Baroness Litzen, Lady
Catherine Jenkinison, the Earl and Countess Grosvenor and Countess
After the naming ceremony Princess Victoria visited the Shire Ila]]
and County Gaol where she met the governor, Mr Dunstan. The Duchess
left £25 for the comfort and consolation of poor debtors.
Later she visited the garrison armoury and was shown a store of
30,000 weapons.
The day concluded with a thanksgiving service in Chester Cathedral,
conducted by the Lord Bishop, the Rev. Prebendiary Blomfield, with
the Rev. Chancellor Raikes and the Rev. Joseph Eaton.
The Princess and Duchess had been touring Wales and were staying
in Chester as guests of the Marquis of Westminster. In a family
ceremony, the Princess stood as female sponsor at the christening
of Lord and Lady Robert Grosvenor's infant daughter, Charlotte.
*The Grosvenor Bridge, designed by the Chester architect Thomas
Harrison, has a 200-feet stone arch and has cost £36,000 to
build. The first stone was laid by Earl Grosvenor on October 1,