from Bollington's past
Book rich in nostalgia captures a bygone age
A rare, beautifully produced book with rare black and white and
colour photographs is the most apt way to summarize Jean M. Wright’s
“Voices From The Past”.
Jean has created a fascinating window to peer at one aspect of Bollington’s
history through a series of evocative illustrations and some extraordinarily
preserved letters written by her great grandmother who worked as
a maid in the village during Queen Victoria’s reign.
Few local books reach the standard of Jean’s work and she
has clearly brought all her experience to bear from her days teaching
history at a local school.
The research has been painstaking and the pride in her village shines
through as she gives a compelling glimpse into the lives of ordinary
The real life stories also include an eye-witness account of life
in Samuel Greg’s model factory village and letters home describe
life in service as a lady’s maid at the Greg’s home,
The Mount.
Other letters recount the adventures of the men of the family who
sailed to New Zealand and emigrated to Canada.
'Voices From The Past' contains 144 pages and is priced at £15.00
+ £2.00 postage. It may be obtained direct from the author,
Jean M.Wright, 1A Hall Lane, Bollington, Macclesfield, SK10 5ED.